Limited Series Podcast: Aveirus


Malky Goldman and Luzer Twersky sit down with their expert friends to talk about COVID-19.


We weren’t sure if this crisis necessarily affects us differently than others, but we both knew that there’s a lot people learn in basic biology and health class that we never got to learn. So we had questions and we asked them.

We are extremely lucky to have friends like Dr. Samuel Katz, Dr. Will Volvi Fleischman, and Rachel Horowitz LMHC, and we are so grateful that they took some time out of their very busy days to chat with us. I hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed making it.



May 22, 2020

Former Satmar and Slobodka talmid and current immunologist Dr. Samuel (Ushy) Katz helps us understand what is happening from the point of view of a scientist. No pshetlech here.

May 24, 2020

Former Talmid Toirah Toirah V'yirah D'rabeini Yoel M'Satmar and Mt. Sinai alumni Dr. Volvi Fleischman has seen it all first hand as an emergency room physician in the Hackensack Meridian Health system. He tells what we know and don't know, and what we should know. And apparently, circumsised men may be less likely to get COVID-19 as an STD.

May 30, 2020

Are you enjoying this craziness? Are you hating it? How are you coping? Psychotherapist and widely renowned Tzedeikes Rachel Horowitz walks us through our emotional lives during this time.